GOM Education Award

Create an Innovative 3D Scanning Lab Experiment
Standard lab experiments can be boring, so use the ATOS 3D Scanner from GOM and prepare your own experiments. An international expert jury will evaluate all experiments. The best proposal can win EUR 3,000 and networking opportunities with industry leaders.
The GOM Education Award is an international competition for students. Your lab experiment should arouse interest in 3D metrology, explain the technology and show the application. Inspire peer students to learn about new aspects of optical 3D metrology and to use the knowledge in new applications.
In addition to the money, the winner gets access to industry professionals at the GOM 3D Metrology Conference 2017 by presenting his work to representatives from renowned international companies.
Full-field 3D scanning has become an industrial standard in reverse engineering and quality assurance. The ATOS 3D scanner from GOM is an industrial, high-resolution optical coordinate measuring system. It delivers accurate 3D measuring data at high speed, thereby improving the entire production chain – from design through to production and subsequent maintenance.
Registration GOM Education Award
The registration period has already taken place. The winner will be announced and awarded in September 2017 at the GOM 3D Metrology Conference in Braunschweig, Germany.
If you should have any questions, please send an email to education|at|gom.com.